Scripture Decoded and Unsealed

CHRIST'S Breath Is LIFE …Wind.

They didn’t have The NT



Yes, we can know the date of Revelation’s composition, going by various pieces of internal evidences from the book itself. It was written somewhere between late AD 59 and early AD 60, just before the AD 60 catastrophic earthquake in Laodicea.

no, this is all impossible. None of them had the NT …Paul wrote Epistles so a single church had a Book of It …there is no way anyone Read Revelation before 70 A.D. …you probably also have nonsense about It being Written to Jews …when It wasn’t Written in Hebrew.

JESUS Wrote to Seven Churches at the Beginning of Rev …only 7 …think about that. They were obviously an example for us afterwards.

70 A.D. is in Chapter 11 …the rest of the Book after that Chapter is about catholics and protestants ruining everything.

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