Scripture Decoded and Unsealed

CHRIST'S Breath Is LIFE …Wind.

Full Preterists explain away the beast and false prophet with this nonsense:



They say look up “War of the Jews 2-17-2” as evidence …okay, let’s do that:

This is part of it:

“At the same time Eleazar, the son of Ananias the high-priest, a very bold youth, who was at that time governor of the temple, persuaded those that officiated in the divine service to receive no gift or sacrifice for any foreigner.”

Does that sound like the beast and false prophet of Revelation to you?

Preterist response: “you don’t understand that discontinuing those daily sacrifices led to the Revolt? The Captain of the Temple Ananias declared WAR against the Romans. Josephus said further.”
Preterist response: “the Levitical priests were to receive sacrifices of foreigners to keep peace. The Zealot Captain of the Temple violated God’s command , abused his authority over the Levitical priests and THIS abomination led to the DESOLATION of 1 million Jews, the Temple, and all her authority. You need a better understanding of the Law of Moses if you intend to have any understanding of Jesus’ fulfillment of every jot and tittle of the Law!”

lol at denying romans sacrifice being an abomination.

Preterist response: “God warned from the beginning that the rebellion within His kingdom on earth would be crushed. Gen. 3:15
The Levite’s were to offer up PEACE offerings and Eleazar REFUSED to allow the Levitical priests to do as they were commanded. They knew it was an abomination. Josephus, a Jew knew it.”

oh, so Levites had to have peace with romans and hand them Atonement while not being Saved at all? Where is that Scripture?

Preterist: “Levite’s were to DO every jot and tittle of the law. Have you never read God’s commands regarding foreigners???”

Foreigners were welcome to become Jews …not free hand outs of Atonement.

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