You will have a Final Judgment because you refused to give up satan’s artificial narrow way that includes his death side of free will. You refused The Bridge (The Actual Narrow Way).
There is another book …a book of those that remained in satan’s city of hell and didn’t get on The Bridge (Your own Cross):
Revelation 20:12 KJV — And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
The other book contains the lives lived under the lie told to Eve …that their old selves didn’t have to die …that they didn’t have to get on A Cross themselves:
[Genesis 2:17 KJV] But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
[Genesis 3:4 KJV] And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
the broad way to destruction is you saying JESUS had your sins on His Cross.
Hello, you excused away getting on your own Cross. Get Fire Baptized next to Him like the thief.
The Promise of GOD Is LIFE. If you become Adopted after HE Returned then you have Everlasting LIFE.
protestant robot response:
Glad tidings of the Kingdom of God that God gives eternal life to all who believe in Jesus Christ who came, died, and rose again on the third day. Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. The Good News that Jesus Christ brings is eternal life in Him. He fills the true believer in Him with His Spirit and leads them to walk after His Spirit and not their flesh. The Holy Spirit produces fruit in the true believer by which we may know we are saved as the Spirit is the witness that we are children of God. All who put their trust in Him shall never be brought to shame; and He will never blot their name out of the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Did JESUS have your sins on His Cross?
Read your Bible. The scriptures are clear as to what Jesus Christ did on the cross.
you are the broad way
No Jesus Christ is the Narrow Way. Anyone who is found in Him will never be brought to shame. Anyone trusting in Him and walking in His Spirit is on the Narrow Way.
JESUS Is The Advocate …does an advocate in court have the criminal charge of his defendants? No, JESUS didn’t have your sins on His Cross …He can put a Word in for you …That’s different.
The Narrow Way means that you believe in Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice and resurrection on the third day, die to self, and walk in His Spirit. We deny ourselves and take up our cross daily seeking to only do God’s will and not our own.
oh, so we believe JESUS had our sins on His Cross …you are the antichrist.
you are basing your court analogy on man’s tree of knowledge of good and evil, of course. Repent
…is there a Judge Involved?
you are assuming that God’s justice is the same as U.S. court system justice. You don’t agree with substitutional(ary) atonement and I can understand your concerns, but that’s Christianity, buddy. Love it or leave it.
you never Entered It
We are judged by what is written in the books. If you are not trusting in the propitiation of Jesus Christ, then you are not born again by His Spirit and have not been baptized by His Spirit. And that would mean your name is not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life which has always been my concern for you.
JESUS doesn’t Atone for atheists …you actually had to get on The Bridge. you are saying everyone is Covered …it’s ridiculous… you are completely evil.
I have lived a life of extreme Christian practice in a traditional community practicing 24/7 devotion and service for the last * years. You, on the other hand, have merely typed condemnation and accusation while watching YouTube videos and apparently avoiding internet inappropriate content. Spare me the accusations that I am not a Christian.
Did JESUS have your sins on His Cross? yes? then your chores were not Ordered by GOD. you live to excuse not being on a Cross.
You don’t know the Word of God nor the scriptures of the Bible. You state // Jesus doesn’t atone for atheists…//
1 Timothy 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
He did Atone for anyone THAT GETS ON THE BRIDGE!!!
your snake father changed the Definition of Belief. you don’t Believe unless you are on The Bridge …aka your own Cross.
you don’t have an Advocate unless you have a Mediator …and you don’t have One unless you Lift JESUS UP …aka …being on your own Cross.
We are saved by Grace through Faith as it is written. You keep missing that simple point. Once you have true faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He fills you with His Spirit. The Spirit makes you a new creation in Christ Jesus–born again by the Spirit. The Spirit leads to all Righteousness in the Way of Jesus Christ. We can’t possibly do this in our own ability. We must be born again by the Spirit in order to deny ourself, pick up our cross, and follow Him. That is what walking in the Spirit and not the flesh mean.
I’m not on the bridge. I’m in the Bridge–Jesus Christ, and He is in me. We sup together, I hear His voice, and I am already seated in heavenly places as it is written.
you can’t hear me and i’m pretty sure you never will.
the bronze serpent on a pole …was us getting on our own Cross!
The serpent Moses lifted up which kept the people who looked at it from dying was a foreshadow of Jesus Christ to come.
ohh, JESUS was a snake …sure why not /sarcasm.