Scripture Decoded and Unsealed

CHRIST'S Breath Is LIFE …Wind.

the city of hell has different flavors:​




you were not Born of The SPIRIT if satan was able to convince you there wouldn’t be a consequence.​

this image is just another trick of satan to make you think his false church isn’t everywhere. he actually wants you to think there is unlimited forgiveness …because that’s what the serpent offered Eve.​


I like this post quite a lot! I would caution, however, against denying the sin exists as well as your usual insistence that a person can only be forgiven once. That leads to not recognizing sin, as well as it causes people to give up in despair and not even seek forgiveness, which is necessary for true repentance.

you are always so worried about people giving up your city of hell. it’s like the frying pan being worried some of the food is jumping into the flames.


yes, I don’t want you to push people into the flames or make people jump into them.

good grief dude, you in the frying pan city are not in a Living Relationship with GOD.


that’s your weirdo declaration

so what are you in a relationship with? death provided that city you are in.

Genesis 2:17 KJV — But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

your frying pan city is the death side of free will.


There is no such thing as a frying pan city …and your whimsical notions of what free will is are all over the place. Now that you’ve done a 180° and have gone from “satan’s free will” to “the death side of the free will relationship”, I don’t disagree with you about that. I have always taught that we must be willing to choose to align our wills with God or suffer the consequences.

the frying pan city is made of CHRIST being your servant …but ohhh, you better be as respectful as possible about it …like worship His Dead Corpse over it.


thinking you are just hangry.
We serve all people in Christ’s name and offer ourselves as sacrifice, just as he sacrificed Himself for our redemption.

you defend absolute free will because your frying pan city is made of the death side …the broad gate. what good is your doctrine if your foundation isn’t death?


I don’t defend free will; I deal with the reality of our freedom of choice and will, and it’s consequences. “My doctrine” is normal, historical, interdenominational, universal Christian doctrine. Nothing personal or idiosyncratic about it.

is free will only about choosing Life or death?

your doctrine of death was formed by church fathers. just because they called themselves Christians didn’t mean they were not working for satan. it’s called a tree of knowledge for a reason. a tree of handed down doctrine to excuse a dead relationship to GOD.


free will is a responsibility we have to make any and all choices that we must make in our lives, undetermined for us by an outside agent. It’s an admission that we are accountable for our actions and the consequences of them.

you defend absolute free will then …it’s not in Scripture. you do this because you are trying to divert attention from your free will death.

you are still not getting it. your doctrine of unlimited forgiveness is literally what the tree of knowledge is.

JESUS Gave up His Right to the death side of free will when He allowed them to put Him on a Cross …He definitely didn’t have a free will on The Cross.​

JESUS Overcame the head of the serpent before Getting on His Own Cross. His Death and Resurrection without the death side of free will Made It Possible for others to do It. They couldn’t do It Permanently until He Returned.​

your church is built on Him not Returning yet …because you don’t want your own personal Cross to be Permanent yet. you can’t sell the death side frying pan of free will death if It’s Possible to be Perfect today.​



The bible teaches Eternal Security
It is God who promises it
> Not we who promise him

Inheritance is not a license to sin.​

again: “you were not Born of The SPIRIT if satan was able to convince you there wouldn’t be a consequence.”


How St**** Do You Have To Be To Reject OSAS? ——– The gospel is simple. –Jesus Christ, who is God’s Son, died on the cross for the sins of every person. He was buried and rose again three days later. –Eternal life is a free gift … received, not earned—by faith alone in Christ alone. –Jesus said in John 6:47. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. –Once saved, always saved. Salvation can never be lost! –Trust Jesus alone and forever live.

All your sins are Forgiven …until you join Him on a Cross:

[Gal 2:17-18 KJV] 17 But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid. 18 For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor.

[2Pe 1:9 KJV] 9 But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his OLD sins.

Romans 3:25 KJV — Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are PAST, through the forbearance of God;


ALL sins past, present & future are forgiven not just PAST sins
How Romans is taken out of context to falsely teach only past sins of a believer are forgiven…God is eternal and all our sins were future when He died on the cross for us.

oh, you can’t read Gal 2:17-18 then. Wow, i didn’t realize how prominent calvinists reveal the Trinity con.

JESUS didn’t Die for your personal and individual sins …good grief you monsters. Hello, He Was The Sacrifice so that we could stop our sins. No time traveling required.

Being Washed in His Blood doesn’t mean JESUS was injected with your past sins. you all have turned JESUS into a sci fi movie.

they are a bunch of vampires sucking The Blood out of a Dead Corpse. CHRIST Is LIVING!

JESUS Sanctified Himself on The Cross …He didn’t have your rotten sins. He Bore separation from GOD for us …aka sin. He was Forsaken on The Cross …remember?

[John 17:19 KJV] And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.

If you are Sanctified through The Truth …guess what else Applies to you?

[Hebrews 10:26 KJV] For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,


oh, The Book of Hebrews doesn’t apply to us. ::rolls eyes::

John Calvin had his friend slow burned at the steak with green wood …why? because the friend gave him notes on his doctrine. bad fruit tree.


Full Preterist:

You sure give “ Satan” a lot of power and fame! Paul said this 2000 years ago:
Romans 16:20 And the God of peace shall crush Satan under your feet SHORTLY…..
Did Paul lie?

That’s about Overcoming satan’s side of free will.

Full Preterist:


what satan always is …the death side of free will.

Full Preterist:

Where do you find that definition here?

Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

::rolls eyes:: JESUS was Seeing the people He Sent out Overcoming death.

Full Preterist:

So the adversary was not rebellious men falling from their authority in His old Covenant kingdom?

Where do you think JESUS Sent these men? oh, right, you think Jews went out to the wilderness to whisper in JESUS’ Ear.

Full Preterist:

lol, That’s 70 A.D. …pretty sure they were mad about It.

Full Preterist:

Give us The Way to stay on a Cross …If you are not Walking in The SPIRIT …Born of The SPIRIT …then you have not Overcome death.

Luke 16:16 KJV — The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.

Galatians 3:23 KJV — But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

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